Editor: With Web Creator Pro 5 you will be able to create a truly professional looking web site on your own. Spectacular VISTA-style graphic effects are just One Click away: drop shadows, semi transparent areas, banners, frames, titles, buttons, etc. Templates can be color-matched to your logo or Company colors. No programming required.
You too will be Amazed at the results you can achieve and be pleased to be in full control.
Create a customized model in 4 easy Steps:
1. Select a graphic style,
2. the type of page (home, product, contact, etc.),
3. a theme illustrating economic activities or generic abstract motifs
4. a color palette , which can even be precisely matched to your organization's chart or logo
Repeat to add as many pages as you want, and link them with Button Creator and Menu Creator.
This new tool integrates all button types: 2D, 3D, invisible and Designer style buttons.
The Design buttons support thousands of styles and sizes, with cool transparency and shadow effects, embedded icons and even color bands.
And of course the color palette of your site applies automatically to buttons.